Faleiro and its affiliated companies specialize in helping companies successfully navigate the global marketplace.
From feasibility to market selection, from market penetration strategies to NPI plans to international JVs, we partner with our clients to bring expertise critical to driving international growth. We deliver prioritized recommendations backed up by business cases and implement solutions and structures that meet client goals by taking into account the unique aspects of target markets.
The greatest challenge for any business working in multiple markets, whether a multinational corporation or about to embark on their first international endeavor, is the ability to adapt, understanding that customer preferences and business standards vary from market to market, based on differing industry practices, resource availability, cultural norms, language, economics, geopolitics, regulatory constraints, and a variety of other environmental factors. Balancing these differences with well established practices and perspectives, and incorporating them into an organization’s standard operating procedures is what leads to success. Throughout a project we make sure to educate and train our clients on these fundamental differences so that they may continue to build upon the recommended solutions and structures for long-term growth and success in the global marketplace.
While Faleiro is industry agnostic, its services may be categorized by typical needs relative to the size of the client company. The following pages provide more detail on specific services.
Smaller to mid-market entity who may have limited experience or activities in global business
Larger multinational companies who may be in multiple markets but have specific strategy / marketing needs